Seedbomb or seedball dispenser from the Common Studio

Here’s a fantastic notion coming out of California that we should import to Texas: seedbomb dispensers.
Kim Karlsrud and Daniel Phillips, cofounders of the Common Studio in Los Angeles, have brilliantly retrofitted the common gumball machines of our youth into eco-friendly, butterfly- garden-wielding seedball dispensers, or “seedbombs” as they call them.  We wrote about how to make seedballs last week.

The seedbomb dispensers are part of Common Studio’s Greenaid initiative, a combination public awareness, fundraising, and grass roots movement campaign.  Greenaid’s seedball dispensers encourage locals to address urban ugliness in their neighborhoods.  “Using just the loose coins in your pocket, you can make a small but meaningful contribution to the beautification of your city!” boasts the Greenaid promotional text.

Even better, load those dispensers with seedballs packed with native butterfly nectar and host plant seed.  Toss the seedbombs in a vacant lot, and watch your butterfly garden take root.

According to the Common Studio website, seedbomb dispensers have been deployed throughout California, but so far none have made it to Texas.

A New Year’s Resolution for us?  Let’s bring seedbomb dispensers to Texas!