Monarch butterflies get all the press, but the Eastern or Black Swallowtail, Papillio polyxenes, a large blue, black and gold and cream-specked beauty, flies in our neck of the world from April through November. The Texas native provides lots of action in the garden when Monarchs are elsewhere.
First, locate the eggs. The tiny yellow spheres perch prominently on the leaves of dill, fennel, parsley and rue. Check your plants frequently, as wasps, ladybugs, spiders and others will slurp up these protein pops as soon as they are spotted. When you’re looking, you may notice some clear, dry, empty spheres, exactly the size of the eggs. Those are empty egg shells already visited and consumed by predators.

Eastern Swallowtail egg on Dill Weed. Photo by Monika Maeckle
I usually snap off a piece of the plant with the eggs on them and take them inside to rest in a jar with the lid loosely closed. Don’t worry about “smothering” the egg. They’ll do fine until they hatch, usually within four days.
Once the little guys hatch, you’ll want to provide fresh air to prevent mold from growing on the host plant.
Bring in some sprigs of fresh plant and put them in the jar. I usually leave the eggs alone until the caterpillars are big enough to spot with a naked eye–generally two days. You’ll see they’re tiny and hard to monitor, so again, leave them alone and just provide fresh air and fresh host plant until they grow bigger.
After a few days you’ll see a small black creature, perhaps 1/16th of an inch long. If you look closely, you might notice a white or orange band in the middle of the body. That’s your first instar, or stage, Swallowtail caterpillar. They will eat quietly and consistently for several days before they morph to the next stage. They’re rather nondescript and not yet as interesting as they will become. Just wait.

Close-up of Swallowtail egg on dill.
Photo by Monika Maeckle

First instar Eastern Swallowtail caterpillar on rue. Photo by Monika Maeckle
Up until this point, I may have had the Swallowtails in a jar or container with a loose lid or netting. But now it starts to get interesting and I like to watch them eat and grow, although it can make a small mess.
Usually I gather fresh host plant and put it in a vase with newspaper underneath so I can observe the caterpillars literally grow before my eyes. The newspaper catches the frass, or caterpillar poop, that the caterpillars produce in volume.
The small, black odorless pellet-like droppings may seem gross, but they’re actually not. Well, maybe for some people. Generally I will set such a vase in a highly trafficked place in my home or office so I won’t miss the action in the course of any day. (Yes, I’ve been known to take caterpillars to work.)
The caterpillars will continue to eat and morph for about 10 days. What’s amazing is how different they look at each stage.
As they move through their instars, they completely transform, going from the unremarkable black cat with a white band to a prickly orange, white and black form, then to a black, green, yellow and white-striped creature often confused with Monarch caterpillars.

Bouquet of Swallowtail caterpillars in vase on fennel. Photo by Monika Maeckle
Throughout the process these boys eat voraciously–lots of fresh host plant. In our hot Texas summers, I find dill expires early in the season but that Swallowtails will easily transition to the more abundant and heat-hardy rue or fennel. At the ranch we have wild parsley and I have brought that home for feeding. Once I bought organic fennel or parsley at the grocery store to feed a slew of Swallowtails when I had run out of fresh host. The caterpillars didn’t seem to like it much (like us, they prefer FRESH greens) but they ate it in the later stages.

Who goes there?!? Note the yellow “tubercles” which the Swallowtail shows off when bothered. Photo by Monika Maeckle
One of the most amusing aspects of raising Swallowtails is their interesting tentacles. When they get to the last stages, they show distinctive yellow antennae when poked or bothered. This orange forked gland, called the osmeterium, shows itself when the butterfly perceives danger. Upon the slightest nudge or threat, the yellow tentacles pop out of their head and emit a distinctive, sickly sweet odor. Kids are always impressed when you provoke the Swallowtail’s tentacles.
The caterpillars will continue to eat, shed their skins and morph to the next stage over about 10 days until they get to the fifth instar at which time they will cease eating and seek a quiet place to form their chrysalis. Swallowtails are famous for wandering far from the host plant and taking their time to emerge from the chrysalis at unpredictable times. Monarch caterpillars are generally reliable in taking 10-14 days to eclose, or make the transition from chrysalis to butterfly.

Swallowtail sheds skin. Photo by Monika Maeckle

Swallotwails wear chrysalis coats of many colors. Photo by Monika Maeckle
Swallowtails, in contrast, can take a few weeks to many months to emerge. Their unpredictability is also manifested in the varied color of the chrysalis that results from the final morphing. Sometimes brown, sometimes green, you just never know what color a Swallowtail chrysalis will be.
Because Swallowtails can wander, it’s smart to contain them in a cage when they get large enough to bust their stripes and go chrysalis. I use a net laundry hamper and simply put the vase inside.

The Swallowtail will bow its head and make a silk button and saddle before going chrysalis. Photo by Monika Maeckle

Newborn Swallowtail butterfly with sister chrysalis. Photo by Monika Maeckle
The Swallowtail, when ready, will stop eating. He will bow his head in an upside down J-shape, and spin a silk button to attach itself by its head to a twig, branch or net siding. He then makes a silk saddle to hold itself snugly in place for the time it takes to transform its DNA into a butterfly–again, an often unpredictable amount of time. Some Swallowtails will overwinter to the next season, depending on the conditions present at the time of forming the chrysalis.
When the day finally comes, though, you will know because the chrysalis will turn dark, then clear. Thereafter, the Swallowtail will emerge when ready.
Give it a few hours to allow its wings to harden. When she starts beating them slowly, you know she’s ready for flight. Take her outside and send her on her way.
Related posts:
- How to Raise Monarch Butterflies at Home (First of Two Parts)
- Should You Bring in a Late Season Caterpillar into Your Home?
- Crazy Chrysalises in the Most Interesting Places
- How to tell Monarchs from Eastern Swallowtails
- How to get Texas Native Milkweed Seeds to Germinate
- How to Tag a Monarch Butterfly in Six Easy Steps
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OH WOW!!! You got the best pictures I’ve ever seen! Thanks for sharing.
Monica, we have 3 swallowtail crysalis on a branch. They’re in their terranium. Is it safe to take the terranium outside in sunlight for a few hours? We keep a wet sponge in for moisture and spray with water every other day. How much light do they need? Were in southern California. Thanks
It just depends on how hot it gets in the terrarium. It’s possible to “cook” the chrysalises. Good luck!
Good information, Monica. I use perennial fennel for my black swallowtails because it grows very big and feeds a large number of caterpillars. I used to tell my students that in the early stages, they were like Oreo cookies. They could remember that when identifying swallowtails.
Yes, Ann, fennel just seems the best all-around host plant for Swallowtails, plus you can harvest the leaves and bulbs to eat. The flowers also give off a yummy pollen that fancy chefs are now using as an ingredient atop pasta and other delicacies. Thanks for writing.
Hi Monika: I had a wild black swallowtail caterpillar set up residence in my herb garden that is in a raised veg trug on my deck. It pupated hanging from the dill weed and I was fortunate enough to actually witness it emerging from the chrysalis yesterday morning. This is my first rodeo, so I didn’t know what to expect. After it hung upside down for a few hours, it then dropped to the ground/dirt under the canopy of dill and parsley, where it laid for many hours. It was twitching and kept flipping over onto it’s back, even after I would gently flip it back over using a parsley leaf so as to not touch or injure it. I feared the worst. I put a sponge soaked with some hummingbird nectar near it so it could get some nourishment thinking that might be the issue. By the time the sun went down, it was still there, laying on it’s back hidden under the herbs looking like a gonner. I was so sad. But when I got up today, it was gone! My deck is high up and gated off, so nothing by way of racoons or other vermin would be able to get up there to eat it, plus it was completely hidden in the herbs in an elevated deck garden. The only thing I can assume is that it overnighted in there and took off this morning when the sun came up. Is this unusual? It seems to not follow the usual “procedure” that I read online as to how they behave after hatching. I’d love to know in case I’m lucky enough to have another visitor some day. Thanks to you for your time and information. Regards, Lisa Magalotti, Willoughby, Ohio.
Hard to say without knowing more.It could have been diseased, malformed or just unlucky. Sounds like it powered through! —MM
Fantastic Monika!!!!!!
Thank you so much for making this whole issue more clear, more understandable! I unfortunately live in a major city, so unable to raise or see any myself here,
But your sharing this all with all of us is so good, and very helpful, useful.
Inspires and encourages me to continue with my work this fall on the Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle and Migration. My current version was not accepted, but I adamantly refuse to accept “failure” and fully intend to continue on with this project towards certificate (2nd one, after 1st accepted 2002 for Botanical Art and Illustration). Blessings to you for your own work and for your encouragement! Thank you!!!!
You’re most welcome, Joanna.
You didnt mention the diarrhea dump before they hang. Its a gross process I hate. Lol
Ha, yes, Carol. It reminds of every baby’s first meconium poop. Moms, remember that?
Omg, yes! I came home and there was a green stream of liquid on the net. I thought it ate so much it popped,

Then I found a much smaller one on the side of the parsley plant pot. I was like what in the world! This was my first encounter with a swallowtail caterpillar. I’ve had many that I’ve ordered through Amazon, the already come at a caterpillar stage but this was the first time I bought a parsley plant and few months later saw a chubby caterpillar! Mine is still in a chrysalis phase. It has been a month. I came across your page and felt a huge relief that the time varies and that some take few months to form into a butterfly. Thank you so much for the clarity!
Thanks for the peace of mind. This is just the answer to my question I had never witnessed this before and was worried when I saw it happen.
are there any Monarch butterfly organizations in the Berkeley area of California, that tag butterflies and report on their comings and going in the bay area?
If I order stickers from you will they reflect my location here in California? with my zip code or some kind of i.d. where they came from?
Hi Beth,
I don’t sell stickers and am not that familiar with California. The only Monarch butterflies that I’m aware of that get tagged are those east of the Rocky Mountains, since they are the ones that migrate to Mexico. You might check out the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, regarding California questions. Here’s a link: Good luck!
Thanks so much for the info.
I really enjoy reading your articles. Very detailed and thorough.
I made a slide show 2 years ago, of the first monarch caterpillars that came to my milkweed and ended up hanging all over my yard to my delight and astonishment.
unfortunately it was a very wet and cold winter here in california and they all died on the vine, either from disease or just plain bad weather. I vowed to make sure that didn’t happen again.
Last year I took them all inside and fed them as much fresh milkweed I could find and watched them develop from start to finish. 18 beauties flew off in the sun.
This year I’ll keep even more, starting from the eggs.
How can I send you the slideshow?
Just send me a link.
do the butter flys wings become fully yellow over time???
“Bust their stripes”! Ha ha! Perfect description.
Glad you like it, Linda. They’re pretty adorable.
I’m near Conroe, and my dill bolted in April/May. I cut it back, and it would immediately bolt again. Is there something I should have done to keep it growing?
The reason I switched to fennel is because dill and parsley bolt so quickly when the weather gets hot. It was always frustrating and buying fresh dill or parsley from the grocery stores didn’t always work. I have counted over 50 caterpillars on my fennel plants which grow over 8′ tall. As Monica pointed out, there are other advantages to fennel, too!
I just planted a butterfly garden yesterday. I put in a couple pots of parsley. Was wanting to add something else for the swallowtails. But since its July, and I live outside of Austin in Hutto………the heat worries me. Wondering if I should wait and add more swallowtail host plants when the weather cools down? Or would you think I should try dill and fennel? I was looking into Rue, but with a husband with highly sensitive skin, and three kids in the house, I dont know if thats the best option. Advice?
Rue is probably the best for planting right now. But if you have a place under a tree that will get some light but not burn up, you could fennel. Dill just can’t take the heat. I’ve never had problems with rue on my skin–great plant in my book. Good luck!
Ok will look into seeing if I can locate it. Round rock gardens didn’t have any. My husband has extreme reactions to poison ivy and even ant bites…. Which is why I was nervous. The bed we planted everything in gets pretty much full sun.
Rue is hardy here in San Antonio, swallowtails eat that also.
I have dill, parsley and rue in my butterfly garden and habitat.
I would like to know if you have ever had to handle chrysalis’ and had them move on you? I literally just got bombarded with 40 caterpillars. The caterpillars literally ate the branch (feed fennel ,dill ,and parsley) right underneath the chrysalis and I have 2 now unattached to a branch. Today as I was moving the remaining 12 into cages, I hhad the 2 chrysalis in my hand. THEY SQUIRMED/WIGGLED. It has been at least 4 days since they became a chrysalis?????????
Yes, they move! I’ve had that happen, too and it can be unnerving. But why wouldn’t they when you stop to think about it? As I mentioned in the post, they could remain in chrysalis stage for months, so consider it reassuring that they are still alive. Thanks for writing.
I am a pro with monarchs but new to our Eastern Swallowtails here in Florida. What do I do with the chrysalis’? The two I have now, now unattached to a branch? If it can take them months, a year to come out, at what point do I know there is something wrong? Just keep it in a safe space and it either produces a butterfly by next year??????
Continuing on my question & your comment here on July 7th, it was very calming because today NOVEMBER 10th, FOUR MONTHS LATER & some of these chrysalis are beginning to emerge, a majority took about 6-8 weeks which I was advised about. Now, every other day I am having 1-2 emerge. I am left with 16, of the 16 only 3 look like they could emerge. My question and I apologize I cannot make this short and sweet Haha. My concern is the weather. I live in Florida. I DO NOT have any parsley, dill, or fennel plants left or available anywhere. I DO have orange Gatorade, bananas, oranges, apples, watermelon, honeydew, Asters, Butterfly bush, pentas, firespikes, milkweed, plumbago, salvias, shrimp plants, firebush, black eyed susan vine, and a purple passionvine. I am confident I can supply nectar to keep them alive BUT with this freezing weather fixing to slam the USA this week and next, how will they survive if set free??? Should I turn them out or keep them for as long as they’ll live?? Lastly, I currently have everybody underneath a screened porch (8ft by 20 ft). Do I move the chrysalis inside IF it hits a certain degree ( say like below 40 degrees) or leave them outside? I have a female who emerged Saturday morning around 8am. It was very windy this day(15-18mph per news) so I kept her on the porch. Yesterday it was windy, cold, and raining heavily..About 7pm I noticed her on the ground so I put her inside a cage and brought her inside the house to dry off and get warm. I supplied her with all the aforementioned and she perked up by midnight. I guess I am thinking along the lines of IF they do not stand a chance of survival WHY not keep them as long as they will live??????
Hi Melanie,
I asked our butterfly breeder friends, and Edith Smith of Shady Oak Butterfly Farm says this: “They go into diapause when they go into chrysalis. They are already set. If they aren’t in diapause, you can’t put them into diapause by refrigerating them. I’m sorry.
I think you just have to let nature take its course. If you hatch them and it’s freezing outside, you can feed them artificial nectar until a warmer day arrives. Good luck!
Thank You for ALWAYS answering quickly and for keeping this site rolling. I REALLY enjoy reading everybody’s questions and your responses. I never thought about Shady Oak. Probably due to the fact over the past year I have written them 3 times and NEVER received a reply. I found this site and will never go anywhere else. Happy Holiday’s …………Melanie
Don’t know if I posted this,monarchs last year I raised and released six.
This year I’ve seen them every day in my milkweed, an encouraging sign.
I live in Kalamazoo Mi. and have seen more milkweed growing on the side of the road.
I try to raise knowledge for the little winged ones’ but don’t know how successful I am.
From my above post I am wondering how to treat any chrysalis that is unattached, not hanging by its silk noose per sey? Do I ape tem up, glue them up, lay them flat?????
I found a swallowtail caterpillar on some dill a friend brought over. I put it in a container and fed it for about a week and a half. It’s now hanging on a branch by 2 silk threads as of yesterday. How long will it stay in that upside down J position before it starts to shed it’s skin? Is that the next stage? I see time lapse video but they don’t say how long each step takes. I am worried that maybe it’s dead?
I don’t think it has died. I looked closely and it’s moving ever so slightly. Barely perceivable, but it is.
It can take a day or two. Be patient. Think how much energy/concentration it must take to transform your body mass to a new life firm. Keep us posted.
Re: swallowtail chrysalises
It has been my experience that the butterflies that emerged from unattached chrysalises had deformed wings(some didn’t make it out of the chrysalises fully), so I began taping mine to branches with tiny strips of masking tape. It works for me. I have read of others using a drop of hot glue to attach them.
This is my first time fostering Swallowtails (I have experience w/ Monarchs and Gulf Fritillaries).
I keep the cats in one of those huge collapsible hampers and most head for the top of the hamper and hang down, head nearest the top of the hamper, when they go into chrysalis
However, thus far, all of the Swallowtails have positioned themselves sideways along the top edge. Is that typical? Are they going to be able to emerge correctly?
I have raised several of the Eastern Swallowtails this year. Now I have some new caterpillars on my dill, and can’t find any info. on what kind they are. They are still in the small stage, but thicker bodies than the Eastern Swallowtails, and the center portion is orangish/reddish. Any help identifying them? They are very numerous!
We have a Swallowtail that just emerged and it’s wings appear to be messed up so I do not believe I will be able to release it. What should I feed it?
A few weeks ago I found some black swallowtail caterpillars on our parsley plant. I’ve been keeping them in an aquarium and just this morning two of them went into the pupate phase. I know that sometimes when they pupate this late in the year they will overwinter. I live really far south in Louisiana and am wondering because of our warm weather if they will not overwinter. Any thoughts? thanks.
IMpossible to say. They are highly unpredictable. I’ve heard from breeders that if you mist them, it helps speed it up, but this late in the year, I’m betting they will wait til the spring. Good luck! –MM
That is the issue I have been looking into. Living in Florida I didn’t know if my ST’s “overwintered” My last batch which turned into chrysalis around Aug 22-Aug 29th HAVE NOT emerged. Well, I lie, 2 have emerged. I have currently 14 not hatched. I DO keep misting them once a day but lately with all the rain they get wet, not directly but by the wind blowing, they are on my porch in cages, attached to tree limbs. I don’t know how to ”
maintain” them “over winter”. I read somewhere if I really want to know if they are dead or alive, keep them in constant sun 13 hours a day. If you live where it snows etc, you have to use a light indoors??? IF I keep them as is on twigs etc, how do I manage them for 1 year???
I found a swallowtail caterpillar while pulling my carrots in mid October. I live north of the 45th parallel, so it gets pretty chilly here in the early fall. I brought the cat inside and it ate a ton of the carrot leaves, and then proceeded to move to the J position. It looks like its getting ready to form a chrysalis, however its taking extremely long to do so, I’m thinking its been about a week since spinning the silk. I did move the caterpillar into a cooler area, in my unheated garage, mainly bc I want to overwinter the cat. should i be misting it? Is it just maybe the cold that is making it take so long to go to the chrysalis stage? should i bring it in to the house… I have heard they wont ememge in the winter anyways and I could just mist it every week or so… so many questions! Thanks!
I have several black swallowtail caterpillars that have turned into crysalises. The last ones formed their crysalises last week, and I moved them all into a container in an unheated building. However, two of them are dark, and their wings are showing through, and when I looked at them this afternoon, when the temps were about 70, they were wiggling like they wanted to come out. This next week is going to be really cold, with highs in the 40’s. If they come out, and I let them go, there is no way that they could survive. I considered putting the two or them into the fridge all winter just to be sure that they stay cool enough, but I don’t want them to be ready to emerge and then kill them by getting them too cold at the wrong time. Assuming that they don’t hatch tonight or tomorrow, does the fridge sound like a good plan? Is their a point in their crysalis stage that it is too late for them to go into diapause?
Good question. I don’t know the answer but let me see what I can find out.
Just an update, the two chrysalises hatched today. When my students and I went to check on them, one was sitting on a branch with its wings hardened. It was about 45 degrees in the room. While the student to whom it belonged was holding the stick, it began to release liquid on him. The second chrysalis was wiggling a lot, so we brought it into the classroom. We did not see the second butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, but we did see it minutes later, and the children got to watch as its wings unfolded. Now, it looks like we’ll have to try to keep them inside until this cold snap is over and if they are still alive, then we can release them.
In regards to comment above would also like to know what to do with my chrysalis. I have several that formed over OCt 18th weekend and I have them indoors. Should I be moving the containers to garage or something where it’s cool?
i have never seen these catipilers before or the butterfly ether WEIRD!
I just came across your lovely site. It looks like I will be fostering a cat or two this year. The one I brought in today was a first instar, found on a new rue plant. It preferred the parsley when offered both, tho. We’re having a bit of a heat wave and dry spell in Southern Ohio for about the past 7-10 days, which is not at all typical for September around here
This summer one Swallowtail chrysalis fell of a stick I had put in the dill plant for the caterpillar to attach itself too. I used dental floss, wrapped a single loop around the chrysalis and then attached it to the stick it fell off of. After about a week or a little more it hatched and was a very beautiful black swallowtail butterfly. I got the dental floss idea from an other site where this same discussion was occurring and it worked. The butterfly had perfectly formed wings. Hope this helps someone.
Using dental floss to attach chrysalises to a sturdy twig is directed to help Melanie Chesser. I made a loop and it looked just like the silk they make to attach themselves to something worked.
I recently started growing fennel in my garden last year. This year I have Swallowtail larva galore. This past week I discovered at least 20 caterpillars in my garden. I’ve collected 11 in different instar stages. I’m keeping them in a large glass enclosure with a netted top. I have lots of fennel and more in my garden to bring in to feed them. Am I harming them by bringing them inside this late in the year. The temperature outside has been 72-75F during the day and 58F at night. I don’t want to hurt them, only want to observe them. Will a temperature change of a constant 72F (in the night time as well hurt them?) Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
[…] swallowtail butterfly caterpillar in the dill bed at the CVG was just too nice to pass up. Click here to read an interesting article from the Texas Butterfly Ranch about swallowtail butterflies and see […]
So I live in MI. I had lots of parsley growing on my porch garden. Which means lots of Swallowtails (caterpillars). Fun watching them eat away at the parsley, then cocooning. Long and short I brought one in first week of Nov. because the weather was getting winter like in MI. I kept it in an aquarium from Nov 1-2015 to April 11-2016. April 11th the butterfly appeared. Now I do not know what to do. He want to go and I want to let him go. The only problem is it unseasonable cold here in MI. Down to the teens at night and I fear he would not have a chance if I were to let him go. I plan on waiting a couple of days until the weather breaks and we get some 70 degree highs and 40’s for the lows. Any suggestions? Will waiting a couple days be alright?
Try this
Good luck! –MM
Thanks for the article. Success. Kept him a couple days in an aquarium mainly in the dark. He was getting too crazy when I put him near sunlight. Thought he might hurt himself. The weather finally broke today Sat. 4/16. Put him in a jar and walked him into a good area in the State Park that my home backs up too. Still was unsure on how it was going to turn out. Found a good area to let him go and off he went…….amazing. Flew in between branches and bushes and like he had been doing it in his head all the past 6 months while he was in his cocoon.
My two BST emerged today, the first (female) has taken flight the second is still drying its wings. I kept them over the winter as I did last year when I had two that emerged.
Happy Day
This was very helpful, now I rescued an injured swallowtail and it has been doing better since I brought it inside. I really don’t know what to give it to eat, I gave it some sugar water and Flowers loved it (my 6 year old daughter named it Flowers) any advice would be helpful, thanks.
Thank you for the insight. This is our first year raising swallowtails. Found the caterpillars while weeding my dill. We have successfully raised seven to the chrysalis stage and now are waiting for the butterflies. Hopefully they will be gone in time for our monarchs to use the habitat. You were right about wandering. Loved watching every stage but had a few moments where we had to play Indiana Jones and find the missing friends as they explored the porch.
Ha! Such fun. Thanks for sharing. –Monika
Hi Monica!
I discovered three swallowtails on my fennel last week and decided to cover the plant with a pop up hamper in hopes of keeping predators away. Once they grew big enough, I moved them to my indoor parsley plant and overnight two of the three formed their chrysalis and look to be doing great… but the third one seems to be stuck in pre pupation. He has his harness in place and has shrunk up and turned darker but I truly do not notice any movement. It has been three days like this. Is he still alive? I have been searching for clues as to what I should do with him (just wait and watch or separate him.) I did touch him gently and he seems soft but again, I am not sure if he is a late bloomer or if he just did not make it. Any ideas?
Hmm. Hard to say. I would separate him and wait a few more days. If he doesn’t make the complete chrysalis, then best to freeze and dispose of him. Nature is cruel. Good Luck. MM
I had one like that too, he died in assume during the initial transformation process. It was sad to see but I have 9 others that made it to chrysalis and one now went dark and is now turning clear. Very excited to see the butterfly!
Thanks for your website to! Mine kept being eaten by wasps even when I clipped off the flowers as suggested on another site. I now have a netted pot and 9 in chrysalis with one more little one on cuttings in a vase in the house as the others ate every inch of what was in the pot. There were more but they ate each other (something I didn’t know) because some didn’t like the cuttings I was putting in to replace the decimated fennel.
I’m in Louisiana and just this year I planted some fennel to eat …I ad only planted 6 seeds in March so they were all still babies when I noticed the wilting on some stocks . Upon further inspection I noticed little black and white worms and a few days later the worms were gone and I seen the caterpillar in all its glory 21 caterpillar on 6 baby fennel . They like celery as well which I had right next to the fennel they are not touching the carrot greens or the parsley and I just noticed they will eat the fennel stalks as well not just the fine green fuzz
I raised a few Swallowtails this year on my back porch because for several years, they haven’t been able to survive in the yard. Bird and insects were getting them.
So this year I brought inside the bronze fennel that they had laid their eggs on. I learned that they must be sprayed lightly with water in order to grow and survive. I almost lost them before I found that out. It rains in nature settings, right?
I also lost a few from the wandering that they do when about to pupate. Some of them never could find a place and seemed to give up.
I hope to try this again next year with the help of more knowledge.
About the method of cutting fennel branches and putting them in a vase: I am afraid if I do it this way, my fennel will run out before my caterpillars are done. Panic! Any thoughts on this?
What I do to vastly extend milkweed may be applicable, at least to some extent, to other plants. I remove from plants only small amounts to sustain caterpillars for a short time, repeating several times throughout the day. Green seed pods, flower stems, green parts of yellowing leaves, portions of leafless stalks. I keep caterpillars separately by size, and feed them accordingly, so that big caterpillars do not eat the little leaves that little caterpillars must have.
Likewise, tips of big leaves to littles, coarser remainders to bigs.
What I do to vastly extend milkweed may be applicable, at least to some extent, to other plants. I remove from plants only small amounts to sustain caterpillars for a short time, repeating several times throughout the day. Green seed pods, flower stems, green parts of yellowing leaves, portions of leafless stalks. I keep caterpillars separately by size, and feed them accordingly, so that big caterpillars do not eat the little leaves that little caterpillars must have.
Likewise, tips of big leaves to littles, coarser remainders to bigs.
Thank you for the reply. At what point do you transfer the caterpillars to your plants? When they are egg, newly hatched; or adult caterpillars? I see more eggs on my outside fennels and I’m not sure if I should break off the leaves now or wait and see if they hatch before an insect or bird gets them. I’d like to chance it and wait til they hatch and need to eat or I will waste my fennel. I may just put a fine mesh screen over the bush and see if that protects enough.
I raise caterpillars in captivity both because predation is rampant (chrysales likewise are targets), and to manage their eating when supply is of concern.
You can collect eggs by removing them from plants. Or by taking them on bits of plant material on which they rest.
Fine mesh can reduce exposure to predators that do not find or make a way inside. For caterpillars, mesh should be supported by a framework that maintains as much gap as possible, which reduces overall amount of caterpillar time on the mesh where predators do sting and bite them from the outside.
I bought organic parsley for the ones that are growing outside because they ate everything in the big pot the were laid in. They are dying now! Others are not eating. What is happening?
To give more detail on my dying caterpillars, they are turning black. They were laid by the butterfly about 5 or 6 days ago. One that died and turned black was a very large caterpillar
Are they starving on the organic parsley? Is it poisoning them? We’ve put out some parsley still in little pots also from the store, not sure if it’s organic, but not sure they are taking to that either.
I hope somebody smarter than me on the subject can help with answers for this. When I noticed my caterpillars not eating, I sprayed a fine mist of water on the whole plant because I know that in the wild they get dew in the morning and rain now and then. It did seem to get them eating again.
Sorry about the caterpillars, it doesn’t sound too good for the ones that have turned black.
BTW maybe you should order some small Bronze fennel plants for next spring and be sure they have that to eat. It’s their favorite. I have 2 large fennel bushes and just bought 4 more small ones. Good luck.
Thank you. We usually do have enough parsley and fennel to feed them until they cocoon, but this year we didn’t. I did spray some water over them this afternoon because I read in one of the comments that could burn up if it’s too hot. We are in Georgia, very hot. Also covered them some with a sheet for a little while and will do it again in the middle of the day. Thanks for the advice! Ordering a lot of fennel bushes is a good idea.
Help! I put out the buffet and they came (spangled fritillary and others on the coneflowers, not just one but 4 swallowtail caterpillars and a couple of the tiny ones on the fennel–the monarchs seem to be ignoring the milkweed and one plant’s not so hot). But now all but the tiniest are MIA. Did they escape? Could they, over the mulch? I’m so hoping some (expletive deleted) thing hasn’t made a buffet of them, in turn. Should I put some grass clippings or take out some of the mulch? I’ve already had a tough time trying to convince a longtime gardener friend that they _aren’t_ tomato hornworms (my pics, are, admittedly, not great & my descriptions not a whole lot better.). Now this? Please help, thanks.
For about 5 years now I have been planting a large planter box with parsley to attract the Eastern Swallowtails. It all started by accident because I used to plant the parsley for me. I always would get about 11 to 15, and have gotten to experience all of the various stages, from egg to new butterfly. The parsley would begin to get sparse, but it has always held out. I’ve had over 25 this year, and the parsley is all gone. I know they will die, but I don’t know what to do. There is no dill or fennel or rue. I have tried buying parsley at the store (last year) and they would not touch it. It’s probably too late now, but I just wondered if there was anything I could try.
I am glad we found your posting. We live in Delaware and have been trying to do this outdoors for two years with little luck. We planted parsley and waited until we saw the little black caterpillars. Then enclose the area with a metal mesh to keep out he Jays and Bluebirds. However we found some of the caterpillars were disappearing, We forgot about Wrens they are small enough to get through the mesh. $26.00 dollars later we installed 1/4 inch screening. This should do it for now. But I think we will be going to try bringing them indoors.
Thank’s and our butterflies thank you.
Mocking birds are also a problem here in South Carolina. But I found that when I tried to cover my fennel with mesh, insects were still crawling inside and eating the tiny eggs and baby caterpillars. So there’s nothing else to do except bring them into my screened porch. This summer I had pretty good luck and learned a lot for future endeavors.
I hope you can help me. I have a batch,9 black swallow tail instar on my parsley.
We had 3 before and one made it to maturity,1 a bird got and one has turned black.( not sure there)
Any way how can I make it easier for the instars get to a good spot to go t the chrysalis stage?
My wife and I are finding this process fascinating and what to see more butterfly’s. Whats great is how accidental it all was I had no idea about how the BS likes parsley.
I can send a photo of how the garden is arraigned if that helps with your suggestions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
We are used to swallowtail catapillars on our parsley. Six cats on one plant this Summer. After the parsley was stripped of leaves we put a bunch of store bought parsley in a vase. Cats did not seem hungary and by the next morning they all looked half dead. I moved the cats to our last garden parsley plant and all but one recovered. My guess is that the store bought parsley had been sprayed with dypel or something similar.
Yikes and to think we are also eating that. Good reason to buy organic.
I just found my 1st 3 swallowtail caterpillars today. They are either 4 or 5th instar. I brought them inside and put them in a container with sticks & food. Is there anything else I need to do? I have a butterfly garden and have had lots of monarchs, so I was pleasantly surprised to see them.
Sounds like you’ve got it down. Good luck! –MM
Hi Monika
Its late in August and i have a 4th batch of instars. 11 or 12. I love watching them grow and transform its amazing.
Here is the question I have a new guest in my small garden a Praying Mantis. Should i worry the PM will eat thenew instars?
So far the head count hasn’t changed and the PM seems very content on the pepper plant.
Look forward to hearing from you.
PS is there enough time here in the east for these instars to become butterflys?
Might want to being them in to play it safe. Good luck! –MM
You might want to re-locate that praying mantis to a different place. A neighbor’s garden, maybe?
Hi I live in Ontario and am raising what butterflies I find. Including both black and giant swallowtails. I also raised and released 25 painted ladies they are the easiest to raise. right now I have 5 black swallowtails in the crystalis stage. One fell off the zipper portion of the butterfly cage and is laying on the paper towel at the bottom. it had not yet hardened when it fell. I will try to attach it to a stick. The giant swallowtails are very interesting they really do look like bird poop when they are in the catipllar stage. I raised 2 successfully in my cage and left three others on the hop tree and observed them everyday. they were almost in their last istar when they disappeared. I am not sure if they were eaten or they crawled to a less exposed place. It is sad I have seen no monarchs this year in my butterfly garden. I used to raise them when I found them as eggs. I wonder if the eastern migration of monarchs into Canada is in a steep decline as the number of monarchs has decreased every year for the last 4 years.
It never is necessary to re-attach chrysales.
They can be lain on anything soft,
nearly touching a tilted stick or
a hanging strip of cloth.
Emerged butterflies immediately climb when they are not already hanging.
I had one I kept laying on a piece of paper towel in an aquarium for the whole winter. From Oct-April. To be honest I was not expecting much. But I thought I would give it a try. Sure enough I came home from work one April day and there he was , a black swallowtail had emerged. Took him to our local park and away he went, no worse for wear.
This website is amazing. After 30 years of growing parsley in a plastic pot on my New York City highrise terrace without anything unusual happening, this week I saw eleven black swallowtail caterpillars happily chewing. When I came home from the store this morning with some cut organic parsley for the ‘pillers who had pretty much demolished my plant, the population had been reduced to three in the pot, one dead in the pot, and three wanderers on the paved flooring looking for a host plant for their chrysalis stage. I do not intend to help further in any way, but it’s been illuminating to read what you all do.
I brought a black swallowtail caterpillar inside and he harnessed himself to a stick in the usual formation, but I just saw something really strange happen. What looks like a tiny larvae-ish green caterpillar just broke out of one of the legs of the hanging caterpillar and is now crawling around the inside of my enclosure. It’s tiny, but not at all what I expected (I expected the chrysalis). Any idea what happened?
Whoa, that’s a new one. Not sure what to tell you there. I’ve heard of eggs laid by tachinid flies, which then hatch, maggot style. Hmmm.
After doing some searching, I think that’s what happened (EW!). I think I’m going to build a “caterpillar cage” (a screened wood box) to set over my plants outside when I find eggs and caterpillars and hopefully that will help cut back on the predators we have here and still let my kids and I watch the process. Thank you so much for all the information on this site! It is so helpful!!!!!
Be careful of the screen size too fine and you will block the sun and your herbs will not grow. Too large and small birds and rodents can get in. I use a 1/4 plastic mesh that I wrap around some stakes and close at the top, I also place extra wooden stakes for the chrysalis. When I see caterpillars then open the topwhen a butterfly emerges.
1/4″ allows tachinid entry.
Your website has been very helpful for my school project. Thank you for publishing it and good luck
Help! It’s mid October, and I just found 10 cats on my organic parsley. It’s starting to get cold here in CT, and I don’t know if I am better off letting nature takes its course or if I should try bringing them in to my 4 seasons porch in an enclosure. With their irregular and unpredictable emerging from the chrysalis, I don’t want them to emerge just before the weather gets miserable, nor do I want to disrupt their normal patterns. Not that I have a choice as to when they emerge. I’m concerned that if they pupate and emerge during the winter months, how do I keep them alive until it’s safe to release them?
But with the plight of butterflies today, I would like to aid however I can.
It appears that at least one is in its final instar stage and will be pupating soon. Please let me know what you think I should do! I have so many birds that I am amazed the ‘pillars made it this long. So if it would be helpful to them, I would like to act quickly. If it’s not likely to help, I will just be an observer and not interfere.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
I have three swallowtails in a container, all different instars. One of them has formed its chrysalis already but it hadn’t even reached its last instar! Is this normal?
Hello and thank you for this wonderful website! I live in NJ and brought in five eastern black swallowtail caterpillars. Four formed chrysalis’ about three or four weeks ago and one is still eating rue…I was surprised to find a butterfly this evening! I am not sure what to do now…did I make a mistake by not putting their enclosure in a colder climate so they could overwinter? I was actually waiting on the last one to pupate so held off. I am going to give the butterfly some nectar plant cuttings tonight but am considering releasing it tomorrow (10/28). Any advice appreciated! Thank you!
Captive adults’ first interest is to be in their natural environment; they may or may not ever eat in captivity. Free adults’ first interest is to mate, and they normally do not eat for at least a day.
I do not assume that cut plants retain good nectar. When I want to make food avaiIable to captives, I net them in with a living plant (or branch of it).
I have a swallowtail on my windowsill that has been in a chrysalis for a couple months. How can I tell if it’s still alive?
Generally, the live ones still are flexible and can move a bit. I wouldn’t discard one that seems completely stiff, but generally if they have no flexibility they are dead. That said, they can overwinter for many months, so don’t give up too soon. Good luck!
I purchased some un-stratified milkweed seeds and I would like to know if there is a way to speed them up so I can plant them this spring. Otherwise should I just go ahead and reorder stratified seeds? Would the freezer help?
I’m having trouble subscribing to the Monarch category of this website. Can you help? I am not getting a confirmation email
I really need some advice and help with this. This year I cannot raise swallowtails on my screened porch so I bought one of those hamper/butterfly habitats instead. I had 2 nice big caterpillars in it and just about 24 hours after they went into chrysalis they turned dark and died. Is it possible that there is a chemical in the mesh of the habitat that is causing this? I am going to wash it good and try again. Do you wash your hampers when they are new before using them? Please help.
I rinse my CAGES before I use them and wash them after each mater how small..vilaJean
Much more likely #1 is parasite.
Much more likely #2 is tiny predator.
About the butterfly habitat: I seriously doubt there were parasites in the enclosed sun room that I put the hamper in. It is a part of my home and I don’t even open the windows. Thanks.
> Posted by Pauline Lane
> “milkweed seeds… to speed them up”
Yes, soak them until they do not float.
Takes one day if they are held down
(e.g. by fine mesh);
otherwise nearly forever.
Thank you for the advice on speeding up the milkweed seeds.
> Posted by Pauline Lane
> “doubt there were parasites in the enclosed sun room”
They reside inside and/or on the caterpillars.
Hopefully I can bring them in next time in the egg phase. But I will definitely be washing this hamper!
> Posted by Pauline Lane
> “bring them in next time in the egg phase”
Good thinking (for many parasites, at least).
That leaves predators. And pathogens.
Pathogens can be on the eggs.
> “washing this hamper”
Did you know that commercial breeders
wash the eggs?
“That leaves predators. And pathogens.
Pathogens can be on the eggs.”
No predators in my sun room but lots outside. That’s the reason I bring them in.
“Did you know that commercial breeders
wash the eggs?”
Ack! Can’t imagine washing something that small!
> “No predators in my sun room”
Ok, whatever you say.
My URL text is being removed here,
so, you copy the partial :
and add the .jpg at the end of it.
So now the link now appears
in the message where I wrote it.
What a pain.
Thanks for the link. No jpg required for that. I am going to enjoy reading this.
Very nice and helpful article. I enjoyed it very much.
Today I found dozen of caterpillars in my garden on dill and fennel plants. I assume they are Canadian Tiger Swallowtail. Will watch them every day.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I put water droplets on my pupa and he came out with wrinkled wings and can’t fly. Was it because I over watered him? Please reply asap I loved this pupa with every fiber of my being. He means the world to me.
Not long ago, I wrote that some hatchlings died in a butterfly habitat that I bought. I asked if anybody else had had that happen and I washed the habitat thoroughly afterwards. Since then I have had another hatchling die in it and last week I collected a bunch of eggs and very carefully put them inside the habitat with lots of bronze fennel.
The next day I found more eggs and didn’t have room for them in the habitat so I set them up on a table with no enclosure.
Today I find that these healthy eggs in the habitat have all turned black and the ones outside the habitat are now hatchlings. What else could be the cause of this except for a problem with the habitat?
This habitat was one of those laundry hampers and I am thinking about purchasing a real butterfly habitat from a reliable source. I am just losing too many nice butterflies and it’s heart breaking. I have to save the ones that are okay but eventually they will have to be contained before they start roaming around to go to the chrysalis stage. Please give me your thoughts and suggestions on this. Thank you.
Pauline, write to Edith Smith, a commercial breeder, dedicated educator,
and a good person.
In you will see that she
invites questions.
Oh, I have good news! I believe the eggs are okay! I see tiny babies on the fennel that must have hatched from those black eggs. Then I found this which I didn’t know:
Black Swallowtail eggs are round and yellow, turning darker as they near hatching
And this:
When the eggs are close to hatching they will turn to a darker color. The dark color is the actual caterpillar growing inside
But I did order another habitat from Shady Oak Farm and if all these little guys make it I will need 2 habitats to keep them all safe from roaming.
Thank you so much for replying. I love visiting Edith’s website.
Thank you, Monica! I was looking for just this information and you answered ALL my questions! We (and our parsley!) are proud to be host and hostess to a new generation of Eastern Black Butterflies!
I need some advice if possible – a black swallowtail hatched on Friday (two days ago) and he still hasn’t flown away. I have been moving him between the various butterfly plants I have (lantana, sweeetvalyssum, monarda, butterfly bush, lavendar), and have provided him with diluted sugar water (1 tsp sugar to 1/2 cup water), provided watermelon and its juice, mashed banana and STILL – more than 48 hours later – he hasn’t flown away. Is there anything else I can do??
The only other thing to do is to toss it high.
Cup it in hand, underhand pitch it
with full force nearly straight upwards.
It will flutter, either feebly or better than that.
If the former, then you will know that it is
completely incapable.
If the latter, then it may fly to the nearest thing
(tree leaves, roof, low bush, whatever),
or to something several meters farther.
It may stay there for longer than
you care to continue watching,
or make a few flights to nearby objects.
Often they soon flutter to the ground;
I do not know why they choose
that hazardous place.
A strong, long flight? I neither expect it nor
rule it out.
Well, it seems he’s 100% incapable – he came pretty much straight back down. So how do I care for this poor little guy? Is there anything I can do for him?
The humane options are
– to euthenize
– to feed, in isolation
(inhumane if it never drinks).
The broader concern
is to prevent the spread of
whatever is affecting it.
[Fourth submission of this reply.
Post it, dammit.
This site certainly is quirky.]
I think the problem was that he went into chrysalis *in* the parsley, and there may not have been enough space for him to “hang” his wings (even though they *look* perfectly fine). I will continue to feed him. Thank you all!
What spices do you like to use with the butterflies when they are finished? You mentioned dill and parsley, as options. And what way do you like to prepare them? Thanks, I enjoyed the informative website.
We just had a swallowtail emerge from its chrysalis either over night or this morning. How long can we go without feeding it before we let it go? We are both at work and are hoping that if we wait until tonight it won’t be too long without food.
Not a problem.
Adults commonly are uninterested
in food during their first day.
So I currently have two butterdly habitats … one with 18 having made it to chrysalis stage and 2 more to go … probably 20 more in the other habitat that are in various instar stages (a couple even went into chrysalis there as well). All of these came from eggs that hatched on my (large barrel of) potted parsley. Needless to say they have been DECIMATING my remaining parsley – not that I mind
. Its been fascinating watching them go through all their stages and I can’t wait for the butterflies to emerge!
The other day, hubby and I found about 20 more newly laid eggs on the parsley again. This time, I gently plucked off all the leaves with eggs and put them in a open tupperware container covered with a layer of cheesecloth and brought them in. My question is, (1) do I need to mist those eggs or just leave them alone and (2) when hatching seems iminent, is that a good time to put fresh parsley in with them even if its a day or so early (FYI, I keep the parsley in floral tubes to keep them fresher longer)?
That’s great, good for you.
(1) do I need to mist those eggs
Mold is the risk, because to mist the
eggs would be to mist also
the leaves on which they rest. .
IF low humidity, then immerse-soak
and squeeze-dry the cloth. .
Alternativel is moist napkin pieces
inside, only at sides.
(2) fresh parsley
A purely practical matter.of
the hatchlings’ having something edible.
We’ve had an Anise Swallowtail caterpillar that has attached with its silk buttons and it hanging in the upside down J shape for 36 hours now, but no chrysalis. How long can we expect this pre-transitional stage to last? I think s/he’s still alive…
It took 36 hours in the upside down J but we have a chrysalis!
I’m in Rhode Island. Winters can be nasty. Will eggs winter over? Should I leave my fennel and milkweed standing so the eggs can hatch in the Spring? I want a tidy garden, but I want butterflies more!
The eggs will hatch, grow and pupate well before winter. It really doesn’t take long. I found some “just about ready to pupate” caterpillars on my parsley in late October! (in CT). I took them in, fed them until they pupated and kept the Chrysalises in my unheated garage until spring. No care whatsoever except to keep them safe. Had beautiful swallowtails in mid-May.
I think I made a big mistake. I had a caterpillar on parsley in the house for about a week now. It looked good and plump. I noticed it wanted to climb the open metal mesh basket that was over the parsley. I found it there w just two strong threads and it looked very dehydrated I assumed it was dead and took it off. Now after reading through these I tried to tie it up again. I feel terrible that I don’t understand what this little thing needs or even if it’s still alive, and if so, did I do the right thing?
I really appreciate the information you gave here. I took in five caterpillars, and all five hung and made their chrysalis. I was getting worried because it was late August already when I found them, and winters get nasty in PA. Is there any care that they need inside to keep them hydrated inside or warm in the winter if they do overwinter?? There was a new black swallowtail outside this weekend on my butterfly bushes, so I worried whether my inside guys were okay and should have been out already. Your post and the comments and answers above did give me some relief, but I also still worry if they will make it. I guess that’s the mom in me. THANKS!
Great information, thank you!!!
We brought one inside during its last stages of caterpillar and it escaped its “cage” & is in the upside down “j” position at the top of our curtain!!! Do you think this will be an ok location for it if we can keep it undisturbed?
Very vulnerable to omnipresent tiny insects that you never notice.
Most do not fly, and I make chrysales less vulerable by
suspending them where insects are less likely discover them,
e.g. a horizontal string between tall far apart lamp stands.
I have some black swallowtails that just chrysalis-ed yesterday but the 2nd one is not attached on the bottom and facing upward and outward like the other guys. He is still attached at the top but not the bottom. He is almost black. Is he dead? I actually caught some of his metamorphosis which was so cool but I did see his bottom become detached when he started moving violently. It was amazing to watch but if he’s dead I will feel bad. I didn’t cause this to happen, it happened on it’s own but also to point out, he still has the bottom remnants of his butt on the end of his pupa and the other 2 don’t so I’m wondering if that’s what caused him to fall off? If anyone can let me know if he’s still alive I’d appreciate it so much.
If the chrysalis is still flexible, it’s viable. I’ve used non toxic glue to reattached them on the bottom. On the other hand, the silk saddle holds them in place on top, so it’s still possible he’s emerge ok. Remember, they can take months to emerge. Watch this video to see viability: Good luck!
I brought in my parsley plane the day before the first frost, 3 days ago. It has 2 black swallowtail caterpillars on it. Today one ran away, I found him and put him back but he is now on the wood floor. Should I keep putting him on the plant? Will he die if I just take him out to anouther plant?
I have 4 black swallowtail chrysallis from late Sept 2017. They have been on my porch all winter. This morning 2 emerged I believe because it is unusually warm this Feb (in the 60 – 70s daytime). I brought them in and made a butterfly hone with popup mesh laundry baskets. It’s too early to release them since we may still get cold weather until April. What do I do???? I put some gatorade in a dish. What else do I do to keep them alive?? Help!
I’ve had 2 emerge myself over the last two weeks – VERY odd … its way too early! Unfortunatley both of mine were going to be non-fliers either way ao I just gave them some nectar and made their short little lives as comfortable as possible. Instill have 6 more chrysalises too – hoping they’ll stay put till better weather!
My son and I captured a Black Swallowtail caterpillar on 9/25/17. He overwintered, but still he did not emerge when Spring finally came. We kept him though; checking everyday to see if he had hatched and to our utter amazement he came out of his cocoon. We were elated! But now several hours have gone by and I’m certain the top and bottom wing on his right side are broken. The lower one looks dried and shriveled and the top looks hyperextended. We are devastated. What can we do for him? Should we put him outside so he can experience the world even for just a little bit? I did not expect to be this heartbroken.
can you take a swallowtail caterpillr that the egg hatched on a dill plant and transfere it to a parsley plant for the rest of it’s feeding time?
Thanks for your article. I just discovered this morning in my bed of dill I planted specifically for butterflies that I have a big batch of swallowtails have a banquet. What fun that I can share this with my granddaughter. I live in Florida now but am from Minnesota so miss not seeing nature in the raw. Had no idea that this little miracle in my backyard would happen. How exciting!
Hi there,

I am from Toronto, Canada and it is July 8th, 2018. I just found two full grown Eastern Black Swallow Tail Caterpillars in my Parsley in a Herb pot I keep on my porch. I have photographed both the yellow and black SwallowTails extensively and I have raised and released Cecropia Moths in a Terrariums for many years. I have seen pairs of Yellow SwallowTails the past 3-4 weeks in my large backyard, but No black ones this summer. I would Love to bring these Caterpillars in and watch them morph from Chrysalis to Butterfly, but I don’t know how long that process takes? Is this a normal time of year to find the caterpillars? Or are these late caterpillars that will take too long to transform for the summer? How long does the Adult live for? Hope someone can offer some advice. Many Thanks!
My host plant is running out and I have about 2 dozen Black tailed swallowtail caterpillars. Is there any kind of substitute for the fennel and dill that i am giving them? They are going to die or have to be euthanized if I can’t find something! Please help!
Pauline…you can also use parsley. Best of luck!
Thank you, Maria,
I only have a small parsley plant in my garden but I gave them some. Then today I went out and bought 4 more plants at Lowes garden center. On my way home I stopped at the supermarket and bought the only 2 bunches they had in the produce department, came home, washed them and now the caterpillars have lots of parsley! I can tell they aren’t real thrilled about making the transition but I believe they will do it to live. If they do I will just keep getting more from the grocery store.
Talked to an agriculture extension guy today and he said Queen Anne’s Lace is good, too, but I’d have to go out and search the open fields and highway banks to find that!
Get this: On the parsley plants that I bought today, there are at least 3 Black swallowtail caterpillars already on them already!!! I just brought home 3 orphans!
A few years ago, late in the fall, I had to buy parsley from a grocery store for my swallowtail cats. They did not eat it and stayed away from it. Many grocery stores spray their vegetables to stay fresh. Our cats do not like store-bought host plants. I always tell my nursery’s to keep the host plants as long as they can for butterfly gardeners like us.
I started raising black swallowtails July 20th, buying four pots of (Home Depot) parsley with many caterpillars. The eggs were obviously laid on the parsley, evident by the appearance of the first four instars. I eventually got the remaining nine pots for back up food and moved those new caterpillars into my three “caterpillar condos.”
When I discovered that my neighbors were picking them off their dill plants, I was able to acquire the rest of the caterpillars from their garden, which I checked it daily until I was sure I had them all.
After the pots of parsley were devoured, all of the caterpillars transitioned to cut bunches of organic parsley, which was not a problem at all. Even the dill babies were happy with it.
One month later I have released 36 butterflies and have another 38 chrysalises. The last caterpillar pupated yesterday so I can stop buying parsley! I feel so proud to have added these beauties to the world.
Hello we had 4 swallowtails appear on the dill in our garden. My family loves the swallowtails more than the dill so we just let them have at it, and bought them a parsley plant in case they needed it. 3 have disappeared, the 4th was there this afternoon but not this evening. They devoured the dill but there were still several stalks left and nobody’s moved to the parsley, so I wonder if they went to go pupate? I am in KY, They have been eating for at least 10 days and grown a LOT. Do you think they would be pupating? Would they emerge or overwinter at this point? How far away do you think they would go? I am going to do a bunch of yard work this fall and I would like to find their chrysalises if possible. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
The same thing happened to me! I had seven beautiful caterpillars on my parsley. They devoured it down to nubs, which was fine, as I was hoping to see the chrysalis. But they must leave the host plant as I saw them this morning and they were all gone by this afternoon. I’m so disappointed! Can anyone confirm that they leave the host plant to pupate?
Yes, they typically leave the host plant to either pupate or look for more food. Sometimes they are killed by predators. When mine are ready to pupate they eat like crazy, then stop and might wander round and round looking for a good spot, then are very still on top of a branch, purge, then within 24 hours they go under the branch and form the J position, they make a silk harness and connect by silk at their back end, within 24 – 36 hours or so they wriggle/shed their outside skin and underneath is the chrysalis, then 1-2 weeks butterfly emerges.
My second batch of chrysalis started to hatch today! 5 so far. I have 15 newly hatched caterpillars too. Some things I learned this summer — store bought parsley killed ~15 of my new caterpillars from the first group I had. The other 15 raised on store-bought dill did fine. No more store-bought parsley. I buy dill, rinse it, shake and dry with paper towel then put in ziplock with a paper towel inside then in the frig. to use as needed. I just can’t grow enough parsley and dill to meet the appetites. I have 1 green chrysalis and am watching to see if the butterfly looks different from the others. I also had 2 of the darker or black caterpillars. The pop-up mesh laundry baskets work great. I also use a hard plastic “critter cage” which has plenty of ventilation . Once the caterpillars are close to pupating I put them in the critter cage with lots of branches. Once they pupate I then put the branch with the chrysalis in another popup mesh laundry container with a mesh lid, undisturbed, until they hatch. It’s easier for me to keep up with the young, the older, and the chrysalis. I also bought some cheap (~$1) glass salt/pepper shakers with the screw on lids at Walmart to use as vases for my dill. No drownings!
An observation I had this summer — when my caterpillars “purged” before pupating it was from the back-end as a green liquid with some solid matter, sort of a caterpillar diarrhea. From reading other source I had the impression the purge was vomiting. I was glad to to verify this on another site. I was afraid my caterpillars were sick, but all was well and perfectly normal.
Another observation I had was when the caterpillar was getting ready to form a chrysalis it would move it’s head back and forth on the branch. It made like a silk pad to lie on in addition to the silk harness.
I found the black swallowtail cat. on my parsley plant they were busy eating away, they cleaned my plant I put some from the store in a glass with water for them later. I have a couple of them that have formed chrysalises. When I noticed them on my plant I put them in a fish tank with a screen top and had them outside in the shade on a table. I have noticed another small black one eating but not much. I just moved them into the house as I thought it might be to warm outside for them, not sure what temp. they like and if they like a lot of air I turned a fan on buy them.
This is the first time I have done anything like this very excited.
Let me know about the air and temp.
Make sure you really rinse/dry the parsley before giving to caterpillars. Some store bought herbs can be hazardous and contain pesticides or BT. I would leave the caterpillars outside, it’s where they are meant to be. I have mine on my screened porch and this summer we’ve had many days >100 degrees and they have been just fine. Just make sure the container is clean and the food is fresh.
I have two chrysalis at the moment, one is much larger than the other and slightly a different color although the caterpillars looked identical. Living in Buffalo, NY, I’m nervous about them emerging in the winter. Where should I keep them so that they may sense the season and stay in chrysalis form, if they don’t emerge before the cold hits?
Keep them outside and as long as it is still warm let them emerge. Usually 1-2 weeks after they make the chrysalis they will emerge. They only live ~11 days as a butterfly. If it suddenly gets really cold they will automatically wait to emerge until next spring, just leave them outside. I’ve kept mine on the screened porch in a ventilated critter carrier over the winter.
i was going to put my caterpillar in a large coffee can, but then i realized too late that it was cocooning itself in the container i put it in….. i would really like to know if i may have harmed it because i put it in a large mason jar…. and, would it be able to fit through the opening once a butterfly? i was planning on letting it go in a butterfly garden near my home, but now i’m worried it wont be able to get out of the jar. please let me know soon.
if i have the cocoon in a mason jar, would it be safe for the butterfly if i moved it to a coffee can? i already cleaned it out well, but the mason jar is too small i think for when the butterfly emerges with its wings… i want to make sure i wont knock it off the twig or damage/injure the caterfly (i call it that because its in its crysallis stage).
This is my second summer raising black swallowtails, and I’ve released probably about 60 butterflies so far. The last caterpillar this season looked really small to make his chrysalis (probably half the size of the others), and this morning when I checked on him I found his chrysalis has formed vertically, like a monarch’s, but he isn’t upside down. The skin is crumpled up at the end, but I can’t tell if it’s just stuck to the tip (which has also happened with my little guys before, and it was never an issue) or if it hadn’t come off all the way. I’m looking through cheesecloth and can’t see all the details, but I’m going to check closer when his chrysalis has dried completely. (He actually formed directly on the cheesecloth too, so it’s difficult to check.) I’ve never seen one end up vertical before. Before the skin was shed he was in the normal position—it’s like while trying to wiggle the skin off he accidentally broke the button of silk at the end. Have you had this happen before?
I’m raising some black swallowtails from caterpillars found in the garden during the summer. Most made chrysalises between a few days and a few weeks ago, and there are a few I’m still waiting on to start pupating. I live in the mid-Atlantic and I’m worried about temperatures getting too cold. Do you have any tips on how best to overwinter them?
Hi I am asking the same question you you find out let me know . Thanks first time to raise them
Same question, but in Minnesota. The chrysalis is in my orchid box which has a light on for about 12 hours a day. We’ve already had our first freeze here and I’m a little concerned about what I am going to do if/when the butterfly comes out. Have a pet butterfly for the winter?
What do you feed a swallowtail in the home? Ours emerged last week along with winter!
Gatorade, put in a tinniest little bowl with a clean sponge soak piece of sponge in Gatorade so they can suck up the fluid. This puts lectrolites back into there bodies. I put a small piece of cut up nectarine in one corner of its enclosure with it… this is my first indoor butterfly also…. its just to cold outside…. Its sad To see that It wants to fly away, the fact that its just not going to live very long outside. Struggling with the desigtion to keep It indoors or to set it free outside…
I have 4 swallowtails that I have indoors due to freezing temps outside. Two are hanging upside down and two are still eating dill. I need to move them outside as I have before. My question is how long after they hang on the sick tread – they still have their stripes. Will they change and what will they look like so I can safely put them out to overwinter. I have done this before but not when the temps were freezing. I do not want to move then out to soon. Thanks Folks
Help! What should I do? My chrysalis hatched yesterday. It is January and though not freezing the temps are in the fifties dropping to forties at night. (I live in coastal Georgia) Have moved her to a larger space and given her food but would love to release her. So sad that she hatched too early. My fault for bringing her inside to a home temp of 68f.
What is the lowest temp that she will tolerate? Would love her to be free outside.
I just had a similar problem—I had a butterfly emerge days after a blizzard! I ended up taking care of her indoors for around 6 weeks.
The lowest temperature I’ve ever seen a black swallowtail fly in was about 50 degrees in the sunshine. If the weather is predicting consistently 50-degree weather with sunny days for the next week or two, I think she would be okay released, but if it ends up too cold for her (I think the 40s during the day would be too cold, I haven’t had any butterflies want to fly off on sunny 40-degree weather days), you may have to take care of her indoors. With the little one I had, I would “butterfly proof” a room (close vents or make sure there was nothing she could get stuck in) and let her flutter around for a bit after feeding her so she could still get to fly and explore a little. Gatorade and Powerade worked great for her! (Her proboscis was split, so she had to rely on those fluids instead of flowers. A neat trick I learned—if your little one is refusing to drink from fluids like that and won’t unroll her proboscis, putting her in front of a computer screen may help. I found my butterfly automatically unrolled hers every time she was exposed to light from a laptop screen, and then she would willingly drink from the Gatorade if I dropped some where her proboscis was.)
I wish you best of luck with her and many sunny days!!
I hope someone is monitoring this blog! We had a horrific rain, wind and small hail storm this morning. Now our caterpillar was laying on the ground and looks to be dead. We brought it inside with some Rue he lives on in hopes he will recover. That was 5 hours ago and no change. What to do if anything? He’s in a container without a lid with some light in hopes he would dry out. Flash flood so he took a big hit even though the hail was pea size. The wind though….ugh! Any suggestions?
NOt much you can do. Possibly got hard hit with a rain drop or hail,or could be disease for all we know. Wait and watch. Yes, Nature is cruel. Good luck!
Hi, I am so new to caring for caterpillars! I believe that I have found giant swallowtail caterpillar eggs in my backyard. Where I live, it is very hot and extremely dry, so I brought them in. I did my homework, made a proper habitat for them, and always get fresh leaves. They have hatched (there were 19, 3 eggs still left). 7 of them have just died, and I can’t seem to find any information on the Internet about it. They just shriveled up. Is this common, and what do I do?
Could be the plant has pesticides on it, or disease. Impossible to say. Good luck. —MM
thank you! I do think it is disease
Jimin, I had a similar problem with my Monarchs caterpillars were one day they were healthy and the next day they would be limp, empty and dead. Then one day I caught an assassin bug sucking the juice out of a monarch caterpillar. After that I started putting the caterpillars inside those netted butterfly cubes but sometimes they have small rips in the zippers. One time I find my smallest BST caterpillars dead in similar fashion after an earwig got inside the cube.
I found and adult caterpillar in my rue plant two days ago. I checked on it every day, in the morning, afternoon, and night. One day I checked on it in the morning it was still on the plant, I went out for 4-5 hrs. When I came back I checked on it and it wasn’t there, later at night we found it attached to a cage like thing (that prevents tomato plants from growing wide). We thought it would get to hot for it to keep attached to it and the next day it was supposed to rain…we moved it inside. We left some rue and sticks in a container. Is it wrong that we moved it? Should we find a better area to let it do its thing outside? Can we get some help? First time
My whole household is excited to witness this miracle as this is the very first time for us to have a caterpillar!

I’m in Calgary, AB, Canada and I found the adult caterpillar on my dill a week ago. Upon reading what it likes (I didn’t have a lot of dill to give it and we love it lol) and learning it likes parsley, I decided to try lovage from my garden as I didn’t have any parsley on hand. Well, once it tasted the lovage it would not touch anything else after that! LOL
I gave it some carrot tops as well and it did eat it, but lovage, both leaves and flowers, was the food of choice for this little guy
It has entered the pre-pupa stage so we’re eagerly awaiting to see the transformation into the chrysalis and then the emerging of a butterfly!
One of my twin girls is adamant it’s a girl so we’re eager to find out once the butterfly comes out!
I’ve been going crazy with pics and videos of what it does
Thanks for the blog and posts, it’s been quite informative!
I’ve been raising two Black Swallowtail Caterpillars at home. When they started to form into there chrysalis only one looked healthy. When the second one finished it looked as it was cut or something, but there was nothing in its way. Did I do something wrong? Did the caterpillar have a parasite or something?
We were beside ourselves when we found three black swallowtail caterpillars on our dill weed. Ironically we just moved from Texas to North Carolina and are just getting to see these guys! We caught three, bought a habitat and brought them inside to munch on more fresh dill. After a little over a week the two that have survived went into chrysalis phase. True to your blog post one was green and the other brown! Question: I’ve never heard of over wintering before. If we keep our house cool (due to summer heat) have you ever seen that cause these guys to overwinter? Thanks!!
Dear Swallowtail Experts:
I was surprised to find a swallowtail caterpillar in our yard, and brought it in with chokecherry branches. It very soon was a chrysalis. But that was over a month ago,and fall is coming. I don’t want it to emerge in the winter. Should I give up at some point and put it in a shed where it’ll be cold? When would that be good to do?
I have the same question. Did you get an answer yet?
They can take months to emerge. Replicating Nature is always the best course. Natural light and temperature cues. Good luck!
Thank you Monika for your reply!
I have four swallowtails and four monarchs all in Crystalis’s. I guess the best thing would be to put the cage outside, out of direct sunlight after the Monarchs hatch. What happens when the frost comes? I guess it’s part of nature?, I live in Connecticut.
We had one in a ball and that came from a potted flat parsley plant and just made a brownish chrysalis this morning. This evening I was told “something” came out of it. There’s a tiny thing like a worm stretching either its head or hind end like it’s reaching for something. There’s a small hole near the lower end of the Centralia about pinhead size. Presumably the metamorphosing caterpillar won’t make it. Not good-looking so wondering what parasite it could be.
Thanks, Danny
Wasps lays their eggs inside the body and when the hatch they eat the butterfly’s insides. It is sad and there is nothing you can do.
I have a few of these on my lemon tree and the black ants are bothering them, can I remove them and put them in a terrarium they are already in transition to a butterfly?
[…] How to Raise Eastern Swallowtail Butterflies at Home […]
Good morning from North Carolina!
I foster Monarchs on the migration path but the last year planted extra Swallowtail-attracting plants and have thoroughly enjoyed them! I have five chrysalis that I thought were going to over winter(based on what I had researched).
We welcomed and emerging swallowtail yesterday morning. The temps here have been below 60 for a high so I am hoping to get your recommendations for what to do with our new friend. Thanks, Sharon
Same here Sharon … last year I brought them inside and fed them till it was warmer… I now have to that have hatched.. supposed to be 63 today .. I’m gonna release them this afternoon and hope for the best
Hello from New Jersey! I’m wondering if anyone’s BST’s have had problem shedding their skin? They look like they are almost the shape of the chrysalis but their entire skin is attached. This has happened to about 4 of mine. Any info greatly appreciated! Thanks
Hi, we just had a black swallowtail hatch here in Canada. It has been dormant since the fall, how do we keep it alive until the spring. We weren’t expecting it until the spring.
Peter hinves what did you do with your butterfly? I had a butterfly emerge from an overwintering chrysalis today and it’s only in the 40’s. I don’t know how to keep it alive for 5 days but if I can it should be warm enough by then. Thanks!!!
They’re pretty easy to take care of indoors fortunately. You can feed them with gatorade, honey water, sugar water, or fruit. It can be pretty tricky to get them to drink at first, but I found this post really helpful.
I found that my little ones are content resting on my curtains, so if they won’t drink on their own I’ll wait for them to sit still and then attempt to draw out the proboscis with a toothpick and get it on a little piece of paper towel soaked with Gatorade. That usually works! Best of luck.
We have these caterpillars on our dill every year. I hate to kill them. We don’t notice these until mid summer. And it seems like it happens over night when we notice the caterpillars. My question is: Once we notice these beautiful caterpillars , is it possible to put them in a jar so they could build a cocoon in which I would save them until Spring so I could set them free? I will be looking for eggs this year. Thanks for the informative postings.
Joseph, I am not in any way an expert but my first year I raised and released 73 swallowtails, 4 or 5 a day during a six week period. Full time job keeping them fed and happy. There are lots of good places to learn from experts. Read, read, read before you start. A jar isn’t a good idea in my opinion. They love to crawl around while growing thru their growth stages (instars). I used mesh pop up laundry hampers with 2-3 pots of parsley in each habitat. I think they went thru 13 pots from a garden center. It took 3 hampers for that many but looking back I should have divided them better by sizes. I think some of the larger cats ate the smaller ones who were in the way. They are escape artists so you have to be able to keep a lid on them. I clothes-pinned pieces of muslin on the hampers. They are voracious eaters, and I wound up buying bunches of organic parsley which that many could devour overnight. They were able to attach to the sides of the hampers to make their cocoons. Keeping them clean is important too as they produce a lot of droppings (frass). All said, it was a wonderful experience and I know I saved many from being eaten in my neighbors’ garden. I had a huge amount of caterpillars at one time, all different ages. I’m sure a more reasonable number would be easier to handle but it was definitely worth it and was super rewarding. Plus the fat cats are very photographic and easy to handle (carefully). I learned so much. Just be prepared to be around daily to feed them. And do your homework! Good luck!
Hi! I also have about 75-80 Cats going right now. 52 are in Chrysalis. I read that you bought Organic parsley from the store. I also did this and lost 15 to poison. What brand did you buy?
Hi Jen,
Way to go on your efforts! So excited for you. Good luck with all of them!
I bought my organic parsley from a Whole Foods store. I also got the same organic brand from our local Dillons grocery store in Wichita Ks. I’m sorry but I don’t remember the specific company name. I will look the next time I’m there.
They say organic parsley has BT on it. I’ve bought organic and my BST were poisoned from it. What do you think?
A few years ago, a friend gave me some swallowtail cats and a fennel plant. Of course as they got huge they started eating a LOT. So I went to my local nursery but they didn’t have fennel, only dill. I purchased and they were very happy with it. I would check the nursery before the grocery store. Organic does not mean safe for caterpillars, only for human consumption. And it’s possible some growers don’t use even organic pesticides, such as BT and others, but it is a roll of the dice. Washing the produce will get rid of some pesticides, but others are systemic.
Oh, I have read that the cats will also eat parsley and rue (Ruta). I suggest you call around to some of your local nurseries. Best of luck finding food from your nursery for your cats!!
I found a swallow tail who was pretty lifeless laying on top of my garbage can lid after three days of heavy rain- brought him inside and placed him in a butterfly next with plenty of fresh dill and celery- after about two hours of laying still … he started weaving a nest with thread in the middle of one of the celery stalks … is this normal ? I’ve always know them to climb up high and form a typical swalllow tail cocoon. He’s completely enclosed in a casing of white threads
Do they prefer a dark place when changing from a caterpillar to a chrysillis? I have 2 and I would like my son to see the transformation but the instructions say to put them in a gizmo (toilet paper roll with paper towel over the top)
Never heard that one before. I see them form a chrysalis in myriad places–doesn’t seem that darkness is required.
Thank you! I have a fenced in bed of rue that I just planted specifically for the swallowtail. I’ve been watching my first 2 caterpillars for about 10 days and today they both disappeared! One was gone this morning and the second this afternoon. It’s good to know that they have probably wandered off to make a chrysalis. I’ll have to keep my eye out them. I have 3 more teeny cats and hope my rue will last through the summer.
The cats are food for many creatures. I once read that only about 1 in 100 ever make it to adult butterfly because of that. Where I live, we have lots of skinks (think lizards). On my parsley I raised in a pot I had about 40-50 cats one day and the next day they were all gone. I’m sure the skinks feasted on them. So since then whenever I see a cat, I bring it into their “condo” to preserve them and release them once they emerge. BTW, the reason I feel the skinks devoured them was once I had one emerge and its wings weren’t quite dry enough to fly yet and I had it sitting on my picnic table when a gust of wind blew it onto the deck floor. Before I could reach down and pick it back up a skink raced from a flower pot to get the butterfly. I had to literally move the skink with my shoe because he cared more about getting that butterfly than he was afraid of me.
If they hatch in the winter, do you think they would eat from a tiny humming bird feeder if I hang it in the house?
Help! All my Blk Swallowtails are laying around sluggish and their osmeteriums are staying out. What’s wrong?
You don’t give much info in your question. Is this your first batch? Are they in an enclosure?
Cats stop eating before they molt and also before they form their chrysalis. Be sure to give them some sturdy little branches to make their chrysalis on. And also be sure to let them be, they seem to feel more vulnerable than normal. I always try not to stress them out.
This is my second year growing rue plants. This year I recently counted eight tiny caterpillars in their first instar. I monitored their progress each day for a week, then over another two days they all disappeared. I realize that I predator could have gotten them, but what I wondered is: when they change from one instar to another, where do they go and what do they look like in between. Could it be they are still there, but somewhere else on the plant?
There really is no “in between” instars. When they shed their skin, their new skin is already intact underneath.
Black swallowtails do go through some phases in their appearance. They start out black with a whitish band around their middle. Once they are about a centimeter long, small red bumps appear along their length. And then at some point they undergo a more dramatic transformation to become Monarch mimics, with bands of white, black, and yellow-green.
I’m not sure where they might have gone. The ones I’ve raised in captivity don’t have much opportunity to roam. They are delicate after they molt, so they may hide underneath leaves or in other places.
If my swallowtail caterpillars (6-8) have been happily eating dill, will they switch to another food source (parsley or fennel)? The dill plant hosting the caterpillars has been devoured and I need to supply them with more food. Thank you in advance.
Yes, mine were able to make the switch with no problem.
Mine also made the switch to parsley with no problem.
I have many parsley plants with swallowtail caterpillars in many various stages. We had a torrential rainstorm yesterday and today when I checked my plants to assess the damage I noticed that a few of my plants had leaves that appeared ‘rolled up’ and stuck together. I pulled at one clump of parsley leaves and noticed a ‘skin’ of an early instar, and then a translucent looking caterpillar dropped out. It was still alive. I then looked at the other clusters of leaves and saw that some late instar caterpillars appeared to be rolled up inside the leaves. I see no movement inside. At first I thought these were just strange looking chrysalis, but now I think they may be something more sinister. All the other caterpillars are fine. Are these some sort of predator or parasite? Should I remove these and destroy them to save the rest. I did a google search but I can find no information.
Usually when I notice something unusual, I isolate it and observe for a few days. See what happens. I’ve never heard of the rolled up leaves with butterfly caterpillars. I see this occasionally on my roses, with sawfly larva. I believe moth larvae do the same thing. Perhaps there is something else besides swallowtail caterpillars on your plant.
One of our chrysalis fell from its hammock.
Any advice?
Hi! Any advice what to do with chrysalis that fall down?
The butterfly will continue to develop just fine if the chrysalis isn’t hanging—it just needs to be placed next to something the butterfly can crawl up on and hang from to properly pump fluid to its wings after it emerges. The little one should have no problem emerging from a chrysalis lying down either
After reading this I feel a lot better. I had a moth may her eggs in my kitchen sink! She was injured and I saw her as she was finishing up. Whoa! So I didn’t use that side until they hatched. And then gathered fresh green plants from outside not knowing what they ate. They were doing real well until they got about 2 inches long and then they all started escaping! When I was finally left with just 3, I put them on a tree below my apt. I actually had a blue hamper like yours but never thought of using it to contain them. I was worried that being in a second floor apt. the others all died but know I’m thinking not. There were no window screens in that apt. and I did have them close to a window for fresh air.
Hi, Monika, greetings from Malaysia. In my country, I raised lime caterpillar into beautiful lime butterfly which believed is relative to ur beautiful butterfly. Love ur pictures!
Excellent! Thank you for reading and writing. —MM
Any suggestions on what to do with a swallowtail that just emerged. I had the cages outside on my porch so they would stay cool and hopefully wait until spring, but our weather has been strange. I’m in NW Ohio, and its in the 50’s today but will be in the 20s tonight. Its suppose to be in the mid 50s by the end of the week but even still there isn’t anything for them to feed on….An suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
Help for questions! Many here and maybe not possible for one person/host to get to them all, BUT if you sign up for “simply swallowtails” group on facebook, people regularly and often quickly discuss, share, and provide answers to various questions and conundrums about these caterpillars and butterflies, and there are lots of great pix and vids! Hope this helps some folks care for their creatures well. Good luck!
I am raising my swallowtails indoors. Is there a certain temperature the house needs to be in? It’s because my husband loves to keep the house at 71. I don’t want to put them outside because it’s so hot outside.
They’ll be fine at 71. Anything close to room temperature is fine.
Hi, I am raising 3 black swallow tails. They are all in the beginning stages of forming their chrysalis’s and have not shed yet. However, one of them fell still attached to the stick. but only by the side threads. Will it have any complications coming out of the chrysalis or become deformed if the tail end is not attached to the stick?
Probably the answer is “it depends” — but if you want to reattach the chrysalis you can do so easily with a bit of glue. You want glue that sets quickly, of course. If you have a hot glue gun, that will work perfectly. (A small dab of hot glue will cool quickly enough that the chrysalis won’t be harmed.)
I use to raise these butterflies before I moved, for almost 7 years here in Florida. What I noticed, I took pic of each butterfly that hatched & its markings. I believed they came back to where they hatched to lay their eggs there. I always had plenty of parsley & dill. They like fennel too. They are big eaters so its not hard for the next day the plant to be almost eaten- I wasn’t worried the plant always comes back but I was afraid to run out of plants for all the feeding. If you really love doing this- you will have to plant several & I do mean several of the host plants for the butterflies because they do lay lots & lots of eggs. It is sooooo worth it though.
I also raised monarchs every year & planted several of their host plants so they would have plenty of food, This new community I live in now I have not seen too many butterflies. I guess I need to get to work & plant those host plants again so they will come.
Also a note: I never saw this with black swallow but I did see it in the monarchs- some would hatch out & looked deformed & would never be able to fly. I heard this is a bacteria the mother gets & then passes to the eggs. It is so sad to watch. They will die unless you decide to raise them by hand & hand feed them several times a day. I guess that is life though. I tried hard.
Do you have to make it moist where the caterpillar is or a certain heat because I found a brown one outside yesterday and I was wondering what they eat too
They get all of their moisture from leaves. I often put a little piece of damp paper towel in their enclosure to keep the leaves fresher for longer, but in general I get the sense that moisture is not good for them.
One word of advice is to use only distilled water, and to wash any food you get from the grocery store in distilled water before giving it to them. I sometimes have lots of them die on me at once, and my best guess is that they don’t like the tap water.
What food can you give them
Honey mixed with distilled water. I generally do 1/2 a teaspoon honey mixed into 1 tablespoon of water.
(Make sure the water is distilled!)
I brought my whole parsely plant in my porch. There were four 1st instar( maybe 2nd instar) swallowtail cats on it. After several days I can only find one cat… where did the others go? They are/were in a butterfly house.
I’m not as familiar with the swallowtail butterflies as the monarchs. But I notice the cats love to hide, especially when molting. They are so tiny, they are easy to miss. I usually just let them be and wait. Sometimes I can tell where they are by the fresh frass.
The other possibility is that there were spiders in the butterfly house that ate them for dinner. I try to patrol my enclosures for spiders.
I hope your cats turn up!
Ouch… maybe dinner. There was a web… but I didn’t see the spider. I’ll have to look closer.
I did remove some kind of inchworm from the inside net wall this morning.
Do you think I should cut the parsely that the one cat is on and put it in a vase? And take the rest of the plant outside of the house?
Thank you.
It is a tough call. I do like to keep them inside when they are tiny so I can keep an eye on them. Many times I bring the whole plant inside and put it in my bay window with lots of light. Still, I have had them wander off very occasionally.
You can put the host plant back outside – which means you may get more eggs/cats. Not a bad thing – just balance with how much plant stock you have so you don’t run out! I do keep spare plants in kind of a “greenhouse” protected from egg-layers. (I also have plants outside that are dedicated to nature: eggs are laid, caterpillars hatch – and are eaten by hummingbirds and/or spiders and so on. I do find the occasional caterpillar that has hidden itself well; it is an interesting microcosm of the world of nature.)
Best of luck with your endeavors!
I found one dry… , (one could have been dinner…) One on the floor of the butterfly house that was barely moving. I tried to put it on the parsley… but maybe there is a parasite? One still seems OK.
I have one parsley and chives outside. I guess now that I cut some off some good herb, I can put the original potted parsley back outside. But how do I get rid of all the spider stuff? A good rinse?
I’ve got milkweed…but I have a gopher that eats that. And aphids are on other milkweed.
Life goes on.
Hopefully more butterfilies will come to what is left of my butterfly bush…
Sometimes hard to know. Spider venom, possibly pesticides?
I like to give my plants a good rinse, also keep them hydrated. If it is particularly warm, I mist them using a spray bottle of water. I also add worm castings to the soil when I water. Seems to be good for both the plants and the cats.
Yes, life is a challenge! Seems to be part of the process!
I have a Swallowtail caterpillar that I found a week ago and put into my butterfly enclosure with parsley (from the plant it was found on). Parsley is in a sealed water jar so it stays fresh but the little guy can’t get in and drown. This morning he was moving around and eating. I just found him lying on his side on the top of the jar. I moved him to a papertowel and he’s moving very slightly but for the last hour he’s been completely still. He has sticks to climb on to attach to. Is this normal?
I just found his molted skin on one of the parsley branches… it normal for them to ‘sleep’ after molting?
Yes! They generally crawl off somewhere when they are ready to molt and then remain fairly still for a while afterward.
Thanks Adam! One question….after they molt….do they normally lay on their side?
No, that doesn’t sound like a healthy caterpillar, I’m sorry to say…
No…..he passed
I will have to wait until next year for more cats to love!
Sorry to hear. I have had large-scale die-offs before, and my best guess is that it has to do with the water. I do my best to make sure they get exposed to as little tap water as possible. Additives like chlorine are probably lethal. If the plant I feed them come from the supermarket, I make sure it is organic and then wash it in distilled water. It sounds like your plant came from your garden, so perhaps this isn’t the issue, but it seems to help.
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Three days ago, I found two dozen swallowtail caterpillars on my dill plants! I was THRILLED! Everyone has tolod me since then that wasps and birds are major predators–I put bird netting all around the plants, but I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about wasps. As of today, I had 14, and boy are they fat! So…can I just leave them there? Will they make their cocoons–and at what point should I take down the netting (I think the butterflies would have a hard time getting out). They really are big and fat, so I suspect they will cocoon soon. What should I do next? What can I expect? Thanks so much for this very helpful site, but it seems most people bring them indoors in a jar or something–given that I have 8 cats and 2 rambunctious dogs, that’s not an option. And I like that they’re in my garden. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
is it okay to put 2 in the same habitat?
My black swallowtail caterpillar turn into cocoon late August and took it 2 months to hatched! The beautiful butterfly finally hatched this morning but I am in Toronto, and is quite chill outside, I am not sure if is okay to release now because of the temperature. Any advice?
Not sure you have much choice. I think I would release the butterfly – and let nature take its course. I would release it at the warmest time of the day.
From my understanding, the swallowtail usually overwinters in chrysalis form. Did you keep the chrysalis inside or outside?