Frostweed earns its name with intriguing ice sculptures upon first frost

Frostweed earns its name as first frost turns rock star nectar plant into ice crystal artist.

Happy Pollinator Week! Unpaid Workers of Our Food Web Deserve Respect and Resources

Happy Pollinator Week! Events celebrate the unpaid workers that make our food possible.

By |2020-09-01T10:51:38-05:00June 14th, 2015|Butterfly gardening, Pollinators, wildflowers|2 Comments

In the Butterfly Garden: Time to Harvest Sunflower Seeds, Here’s How to Do it

Sunflowers, great for the butterfly garden, are prolific with flowers and later seeds. Yours are probably hanging their heads by now. Here's how to harvest the sunflower seeds for your bird feeder, a protein-rich snack, or to plant next year.

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