Monarch butterflies arrive in Texas to freeze-stunted milkweed and nectar plants
The 2021 monarch butterfly migration is underway. The population, down [...]
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The 2021 monarch butterfly migration is underway. The population, down [...]
David James takes issue with the loud and persistent claim [...]
Milkweeds and nectar plants ready in Michigan as Monarch butterflies start their migration
Monarch butterflies and milkweed. We've explored the subject many [...]
How aphids SUCK the life out of your milkweed and what you can do to get rid of them
Monarch butterflies are the most famous feeders of milkweed, but these OTHER caterpillars are also fans.
It's not just about the milkweed: new study says nectar plants may be more important in helping save the Monarch butterfly migration.
Official guidance from scientists about what to do regarding late season milkweed is confusing gardeners.
San ANtonio's UTSA receives $300K grant to study Monarch butterflies and native Texas milkweeds.
Debate continues: Tropical milkweed Ok for Monarch butterflies, "just cut the dang stuff down."