Loathed by Gardeners, Tomato Hornworms Morph into Magnificent Sphinx Moths

Happy Pollinators week! Don't squish that tomato hornworm--she turns into the magnificent Sphinx Moth, which pollinates various flowers, including the Agave plant.

By |2024-06-17T16:45:37-05:00June 21st, 2012|Butterfly Life Cycle, Jimsonweed, Moths|64 Comments

A Year in the Life of A Butterfly Garden: From Turf to a Butterfly Host and Nectar Garden, with Edible Landscape In Between

Let's get busy, people. Your butterfly garden is waiting. Make it happen. Get inspired by this month-by-month slideshow of a year in the life of a butterfly garden.

In the Butterfly Garden, Part II: Transplants and Seedlings to Make a Vibrant Butterfly Garden in Downtown San Antonio

The turf-to-bed conversion continues as we begin to transform a drought-damaged downtown San Antonio yard into a butterfly garden. Favorite host plants will be transplanted from Austin, we'll buy several new plants in the spring and plan our seedling strategy for early January. Read all about it, and let us know if you have questions.

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