CBS News Revisits the Monarch Butterfly Preserve in Michoacan, Mexico, Reports “Colorful Comeback”
This excellent coverage of the state of the Monarch butterfly [...]
This excellent coverage of the state of the Monarch butterfly [...]
According to Monarch Watch, the citizen scientist program that monitors the Monarch butterfly migration and started the tagging program, monarch caterpillars consume 200x their birthweight in milkweed leaves in about a two-week period. Commercial butterfly breeders suggest that a single caterpillar can easily decimate an entire one-gallon milkweed plant--175 leaves per caterpillar. Of course, it depends on the milkweed you supply. Our native Texas milkweed, Antelope Horns, Asclepias asperula, is much heftier than the Tropical Milkweed, Asclepias curassavica, found in nuseries right now--like a beef steak compared to lettuce. Yet, when the Monarchs are flying, any milkweed is better than none. Sound impossible? Watch the video.
The San Antonio Chapter of the Native Plant Society [...]
Millions of Monarch butterflies are heading to Texas for Spring Break, but who's got milkweed for them to host and nectar on? Fortunately, some local nurseries have "got milkweed" in stock.
Monarch Butterflies rebound in Michoacan, Mexico, doubling their numbers in the past year, but still subject to threat
Plant it and they will come: More milkweed planting tips for bringing Monarch butterflies into your garden.
Monarch butterfly preserve in Michoacan, Mexico is a model for reforestation efforts. But can it really save the Monarch butterfly migration?
Central and South Texas Gardeners' Guide to Milkweed Selection. With Texas as the most important state to the Monarch Butterfly migration, choosing the best plants for Monarch Butterflies is our responsibility.
Why are we not surprised? Texas declared "Most Important State" to Monarch Butterfly Migration by Monarch Butterfly expert Dr. Chip Taylor
Nationwide landscape restoration initiative aims to plant milkweed and "Bring Back the Monarchs." Butterflies to benefit big time.