Thanks, Climate Change! 9.5-inch Llano River Rain Dump Exemplifies Extreme Weather
Not the Memorial Day weekend we were planning: massive rain dumps 9.5 inches on Llano River. Thanks, climate change!
Not the Memorial Day weekend we were planning: massive rain dumps 9.5 inches on Llano River. Thanks, climate change!
Climate change will call for resilience and adaptability from gardeners, plants and insects.
Pollinator devastation: rapid, severe Monarch butterfly migration decline a wake-up call
First of Season Monarchs spotted this weekend on the Llano River in a year that may be the worst in history for their migration. Thanks, drought.
My first day of earnest butterfly gardening of 2013 [...]
Native American Seed Company is on a mission to [...]
Planning your butterfly garden? To plant Tropical milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies or not, is not a simple quesiton.
The new 3D IMAX movie, Flight of the Butterflies, suits seniors, kids and all of us inbetween with its spectacular cinematography, compelling narrative and brief 44-minute duration. It makes the perfect holiday treat.
Monarch butterflies on the Llano River were stymied in their migration as south winds kept them in place, holding tight onto pecan tree branches.