Want to Meet the Beetles? Better Hurry, Removal of Milkweed Beetles from San Antonio River’s Milkweed Patch Imminent

Beetlemania busts out at the San Antonio River Museum Reach Milkweed Patch. Harmless to humans, red-and-black milkweed beetles have overtaken the celebrated Milkweed Patch normally occupied by Monarch caterpillars and butterflies.

San Antonio Museum Reach Milkweed Patch Becomes Official Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project Site

San Antonio's Milkweed Patch Becomes Latest Monarch Larvae Monitoring Project Site and First to be monitored in 2012, as Monarch Butterflies take up permanent residence in San Antonio.

Butterfly FAQ: Pros and Cons of Tropical Milkweed and What to do with a Winter Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar or Chrysalis

Butterfly FAQs today: What to do with late season Monarch caterpillars you find this winter? And, some thoughts on the pros and cons of Tropical milkweed, that hearty, ubiquitous Monarch butterfly host plant.

UPDATE: Winter Monarch Butterflies are Reproducing at the Museum Reach Milkweed Patch on the San Antonio River Walk

Winter Monarch butterflies are hooking up on the Museum Reach of the San Antonio River Walk. University of Minnesota graduate student Kelly Nail visits to monitor their progress at our favorite public milkweed patch.

Butterfly Predictions 2012: Historic Low Monarch counts, Wildflower Bounty, Butterflies Year-Round, a Blow For GMOs

Four butterfly predictions for 2012: Historic low Monarch counts at the roosting spots, bounty of wildflowers in Texas, year-round butterflies and outsmarted GMOs (genetically modified organisms)

In the Butterfly Garden, Part II: Transplants and Seedlings to Make a Vibrant Butterfly Garden in Downtown San Antonio

The turf-to-bed conversion continues as we begin to transform a drought-damaged downtown San Antonio yard into a butterfly garden. Favorite host plants will be transplanted from Austin, we'll buy several new plants in the spring and plan our seedling strategy for early January. Read all about it, and let us know if you have questions.

Texas “hell” for Monarch Butterflies Migrating to Mexico, Says Monarch Watch Founder, Plus: How You Can Help

Monarch Watch founder Dr. Chip Taylor calls Texas "hell" for migrating Monarch butterflies on their way to Mexico. Historic drought has dried up rivers, streams and made nectar sources, the butterflies' fuel, scarce. Taylor provides a population status report and some tips for how Texas butterfly fans can help.

Llano River Rains Make for Nectar Recovery and a Welcoming Stop for Migrating Monarch Butterflies

The drought continues, but recent rains in the Texas Hill Country resuscitate Llano River blooms, resulting in welcoming nectar stops for migrating Monarch butterflies. The timing might be just right for a robust Monarch butterfly migration.

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