On the Llano River: Assessing Texas Drought and Chasing Monarch Butterflies with the Legendary Dr. Lincoln Brower

Famed Monarch butterfly scientist Dr. Lincoln Brower treks to Texas to gather butterflies for a study looking at the impact of the Texas drought on the Monarch butterfly migration. We were there on the Llano River, ready with our nets to help collect specimens.

Monarch Butterfly Migration Tracking Toward West Texas with Nectar Stops Along Llano River and Texas Hill Country

Monarch butterfly migration update: they're here! Massing in West Texas and nectaring along the Llano River in the Texas Hill Country. Who would imagine they would gravitate to the most parched part of the State? Peak migration is upon us, so keep your eyes open for them.

Texas “hell” for Monarch Butterflies Migrating to Mexico, Says Monarch Watch Founder, Plus: How You Can Help

Monarch Watch founder Dr. Chip Taylor calls Texas "hell" for migrating Monarch butterflies on their way to Mexico. Historic drought has dried up rivers, streams and made nectar sources, the butterflies' fuel, scarce. Taylor provides a population status report and some tips for how Texas butterfly fans can help.

Llano River Rains Make for Nectar Recovery and a Welcoming Stop for Migrating Monarch Butterflies

The drought continues, but recent rains in the Texas Hill Country resuscitate Llano River blooms, resulting in welcoming nectar stops for migrating Monarch butterflies. The timing might be just right for a robust Monarch butterfly migration.

First of Season Monarch Butterflies Vie for Limited Llano River Nectar as Drought Ravages their Traditional Roosts

First-of-season Monarch butterflies sighted on the Llano River in the Texas Hill Country. With little nectar, drought ravaged roosts, and wildfires across the landscape, Monarchs will find a less-than-welcoming rest stop when they hit Central and South Texas in October.

Butterfly Bookshelf: The Butterfly’s Daughter Tells Engaging Story of Monarch Migration Through Girls’ Road Trip

Who doesn't love an all-girls' road trip? In Mary Alice Monroe's The Butterfly's Daughter, four women take a trip that mirrors the flightpath of the Monarch butterfly. They experience growth, forgiveness and different kinds of 'metamorphosis' along the way.

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